October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I just wanted to take a quick second to wish everyone a very happy Halloween. I hope you’re having a great time. We’ll be sure and put some pictures up here of the kids in costumes as soon as I get them on the computer.

See you all soon!

October 22, 2007

Aren’t names great?

Yesterday’s High Council speaker’s name was, get this, Brother Feller. How cool is that? Wouldn’t that be a great name for a guy in Woodruff, Utah? Imagine the conversations:

“How’s it going, feller?”
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”

On the mission:

“Tell me about yourself, feller.”
“That’s Elder Feller, to you.”

Others? Please post in the comments. Andrew, I’m counting on you for some good ones.

October 13, 2007

James and Anna are Cowboys


Emily Minchew, Julie’s cousin, is visiting for a couple of days on her way back to Salt Lake from the Grand Tetons. Today we drove into Pinedale to do a little fishing, but the weather did not cooperate as we would have liked. So we all ended up walking through some of the little shops on Pine Street in Pinedale. We took the picture of the kids in the western shop.

I don’t know how I’m going to convince them that riding horses, wearing Wranglers and cowboy hats, and roping cattle just isn’t as cool as they think it is.

October 12, 2007

Fall in Marbleton

I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you about fall up here. I’ve enjoyed some of the most beautiful fall weather I’ve seen in a long time. The leaves along the highway are changing color, and the bushes next to the creek are a beautiful golden hue.

As Bob Pliley from the WV3 would say (and has on numerous occasions), “You just can’t beat the Wyoming air.” This morning as I was heading to work, the air was crisp and cold, and you could smell the pine smoke from a neighbor’s stove. It made me feel like watching football. (Too bad Big Piney High is playing in a town that’s 2 hours away, and I don’t have either TV or a signal to watch football on TV. Maybe for Christmas or something.)

Yesterday, I took a late lunch and went to the park with James and Anna to watch them do some of their new tricks. Anna learned how to slide down the fireman’s pole all by herself, and James has learned to climb up the pole. It was such a nice day to be outside. I’m going to head home in a few minutes and try to take a ride on my bike.

Emily Minchew is coming down from Jackson to stay for a day or two on her way back to Salt Lake. So we’ll probably go to Pinedale tomorrow. I’m going to try and do a little fishing with the kids at Fremont Lake. It should be fun.

October 5, 2007

Quiet evening at home last night

You may or may not know, but our TV doesn’t work, so last night after volleyball, I explored the wonderful world of YouTube for a little while. I had fun watching Neg’s urban sports (do a search), but this video had me laughing out loud for most of the six minutes. Based on the various responses and such on the site, this may be old news to some of you younger whippersnappers, but if you haven’t seen it, it was pretty dang cool.

Other than that, we are really kicking into gear here at the office on internal controls. I won’t bore you (or excite you if you sign “CPA” after your name) with details, but it’s a time consuming process, and can be fairly grueling if you do it for several hours at a time, like we did.