November 15, 2008

My Brain has Movies

Jen talked about Breanne's brain having channels on her blog. A very interesting phenomenon, I must admit. Sometimes I'd like to change the channel in my brain.

My brain has entire movies. Andrew, Dad and I may be afflicted/blessed with the same condition, but if the mood strikes me, I can replay entire movies in my head. Julie laughs at me because sometimes I see a funny scene in my head ("Give him a seda-give!"), and I'll laugh out loud because I can see it and hear it in my mind. (I actually just laughed out loud because I replayed that scene from Young Frankenstein) I know that Julie says that sometimes Andrew and I don't talk about anything except for quote movies that we like.

It's a blessing, because sometimes I can just tune out the world, and watch a fun movie. It's a curse, because sometimes I'll do without realizing it when I'm in an important meeting, and then I'll miss a question or something that gets directed to me.

Is it just me, or do others out there share my affliction/blessing?

PS Julie wants to make sure that her post doesn't get pre-empted by this one, so please look at it also. Much obliged.

November 14, 2008


 Much to Anna's embarrassment I had to take this picture. Yes, Aaron is curling Anna's hair. Yes, he did a better job than I do. And, yes, it was his idea to curl her hair in the first place. Don't be jealous Ladies but Aaron also cooks, cleans, and scrapbooks. In Aaron's defence the scrapbooking is digital so that makes it more manly, but James still makes fun of him! Thanks Grandma Christine for training my husband so well!
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November 5, 2008

Interesting quote from Robert Herz, FASB Committee Chairman.

But just don’t look for others to fix problems that may be under your control. Keep the Golden Rule of “doing unto others as they would do to you” in mind. If you are a lender, don’t make loans that people may not be able to pay off just because you can sell or securitize them. And if you are in corporate reporting, don’t succumb to the temptation to try to structure around the standards or fail to properly communicate risks to your investors and the markets, just because there is no specific FASB or SEC requirement.

Doesn’t it seem like a lot of the crap in the world could be eliminated if we followed the true Golden Rule?

November 4, 2008

Thanks, Gromo.

Gromo and Alden 

We’re glad that Gromo could come and stay with us for a few days post-partum. She was really helpful, and we all had a lovely time.

November 3, 2008

Why Aaron and I are such good friends

See Aaron’s posts here and here.

Darn skippy.

PS Julie says Aaron needs to fix his blog so that she can comment.