November 15, 2008

My Brain has Movies

Jen talked about Breanne's brain having channels on her blog. A very interesting phenomenon, I must admit. Sometimes I'd like to change the channel in my brain.

My brain has entire movies. Andrew, Dad and I may be afflicted/blessed with the same condition, but if the mood strikes me, I can replay entire movies in my head. Julie laughs at me because sometimes I see a funny scene in my head ("Give him a seda-give!"), and I'll laugh out loud because I can see it and hear it in my mind. (I actually just laughed out loud because I replayed that scene from Young Frankenstein) I know that Julie says that sometimes Andrew and I don't talk about anything except for quote movies that we like.

It's a blessing, because sometimes I can just tune out the world, and watch a fun movie. It's a curse, because sometimes I'll do without realizing it when I'm in an important meeting, and then I'll miss a question or something that gets directed to me.

Is it just me, or do others out there share my affliction/blessing?

PS Julie wants to make sure that her post doesn't get pre-empted by this one, so please look at it also. Much obliged.


Hama Roska said...

Julie, Drew feels your pain when I blog just after him. Cripes.

Aaron, yes. I'm a Clark by blood so I have it too. I used to get made fun of because of it and then I learned how to laugh more quietly.

Andrew said...

I was replaying parts of Major Payne today during work. I think I forgot that I had a class there for just a moment. I couldn't help but laugh when I read "seda-give!" I laugh out loud. Movies are great. I have a library of movies and songs running constantly. I'm glad someone finally wrote about this. New England Journal of Medicine here you come!

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