August 11, 2009

Blogging Difficulty

Well, I blew the challenge. There were just a lot of different things going on last week, and blogging wasn't really a priority. C'est le vie.

Here's a quick story for you: a while ago Anna and I got into a funny argument about who was dirtier. It was a silly argument and we having fun. I told her that she hadn't washed her feet for a week, so she was dirtier. She then said, "No, Daddy. You're eyes are dirtier than mine." I gave her a perplexed look, and said, "How can that be? I just got out of the shower?" She smiled smartly and then said, "Blue is water..."

She paused slightly; I waited for the rest.

"...and green is slime!"

We didn't stop laughing about that one for quite a while.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Ask Anna what Brown is? I bet it's worse than green :)

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