June 18, 2008

Movies I Should See

So, I don’t have TV, and I don’t go to any movie theaters, so I really don’t know what kinds of cool movies have come out over the course of the past year. Yes, I know I could do something like look on Yahoo! Movies, but I don’t.

What kinds of movies could you, oh faithful readers, recommend? Please note that the movie has to have been released on VHS or DVD, because I won’t be heading to a theater any time soon. And why would I? Who needs a crowded, sticky theater when you have Dolby 5.1 Prologic and HDTV... Oh, doctor...

I may live in the wilderness, but there’s no need to live like an animal. Leave your movie ideas in the comments, if you please. And thanks in advance.


Brenda said...

National Treasure 2 was good.

Andrew said...

I liked "Dan in Real Life", "Stranger Than Fiction", The Harry Potter series are good. That's all I can think of for now.

Unknown said...

What is 'VHS' ?

Kristi said...

Martain Child is cute. We just saw Jumper. It was a fast action show--but entertaining.

Kristi said...

Andrew's comments and Brenda's suggestions are great ones as well!

Hama Roska said...

Dan in Real Life (Ruthie...Pigface...Draper...) You'll understand once you see it.

mmm...everything else escapes me now...sorry

Aaron said...

Wow! Thanks for the suggestions. I really appreciate them. You can keep them coming.

Rubenfarout said...


Hey yo, it's me!!! Does that help? Daniel Allison. I'm not sure what this is or if you read these comments but if you do, send me an email rubenfarout@yahoo.com

Aaron said...

Ruben/Daniel, I sent an email, but I've been known to get filtered on the way in. Good to hear from you.

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