July 19, 2007

Life in Wyoming

This week has been our first in Wyoming without visitors from Salt Lake, we moved in June 26th. I must admit it has been a little bit lonely, but I figure, “when in Rome. . .” So yesterday I took the kids horse back riding and today we rode our bikes to the fair ground and watched some team roping.

Needless to say every other sentence Anna speaks is about Maggie, and Rooster, these are the names of the horses they road, and James has decided he wants a lasso. I understand Ranches and Rodeo have an important role in our history and economic society but it is a life style that I am not yet ready to embrace. Next week the kids start swimming and soccer lessons. I think as long as the kids do not decide they want to do some mutton (sheep), or bronco bustin’, we can all live here together, in little Big Piney, in peace.

P.s. Sorry, no pictures! One of these days when I’ve got a spare hour I’ll find my camera manual and figure out how to download pictures.


Hama Roska said...

Great to hear from you. Now that I'm grown and live in Cache Valley I envy those who grew up in a rural area, riding horses and feeding/milking the cows. And I know none of them wish they grew up in West Valley. You and your kids are very lucky.

We'll keep our eyes out for the pictures. I'm sure they're great!

Aaron said...

I showed Julie how to download stuff this weekend, so we should be seeing more of her stuff! Hooray!

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